Welcome to the Pemba Beekeepers Association (also known as PEBA). We are an award winning cooperative that was established in 2006 to support beekeeping, local biodiversity and conservation in Pemba, Tanzania. As a beekeeping umbrella association, we link all beekeepers in the whole of Pemba ensuring that all other cooperatives, associations and beekeepers are linked to the beekeeping sector support ecosystem i.e donors, governments, market and any other body. All cooperatives in Pemba depend on PEBA as their main buyer and patron organisation. We provide an assured market to all the cooperatives. PEBA secures the market for all other players by buying honey from other cooperatives, processing it in our state of the art factory, labelling, branding under our mark and selling to local and international markets.
PEBA honey has been certified organic according to the East Africa Organic Product Standard (KS EAS 456.2019). We are on a mission to produce, process and supply quality honey from Pemba, applying value addition while ensuring traceability from the farmer to the final consumer.
Read more about our values and community activities.

" Your honey is readily available,
and quality is consistent."
Mohamed Najim
PACSO, Chake Chake, Pemba

"Quality and availability are the two defining factors of your honey".
Hassan Khamis,

"Quality and availability are always guaranteed."